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About Donations


Donation Procedure

Tips & Gifting



What is Tipping? What is Gifting?

Tipping and Gifting:

Many potential patrons have questions regarding tipping and gifting. While neither are required above and beyond the suggested donations, it is helpful to understand the premise of each of these.

Both tipping and gifting are learned behaviors which inspire in the patron a sense of appreciation, respect and thankfulness. When we engage in these behaviors we become more thankful and appreciative people. Practicing these in many areas of our lives actually reinforces our neural pathways to go towards healthy and happier lines of thoughts. Both become habit over time, an outward expression of an internal state of mind which is healing to the giver as well as the receiver.

Many tantric providers understand and incorporate this into their training because an attitude of respect and admiration enhances sensual pleasure and spiritual health. I encourage each of these in other areas of your life as well. Gifting is wonderful for those special people in your private life, and will also help you to remember to appreciate what they add to your existence.

Tipping and gifting are about honoring and esteeming the person you are spending this highly personal time with.

Tipping: What is a tip and what does it mean?

Tipping says:

Thank you
You went above and beyond that stated service
You performed this service exceptionally well

Tipping is a token of gratitude for the benefits the patron enjoys.

How much to tip is always up to the patron. I would encourage you to consider the difference in the personal degree of service your provider offers you, compared to what you would feel comfortable tipping a waitperson or your hair stylist... It is a helpful reference, but there is no universally set amount.

Gifting: WHAT on earth is Gifting?

Gifting is an expression of appreciation for the PERSON who is being gifted.

It is personal and not a reward for service.

Gifting says:

I thought of you, before I arrived
I appreciate your unique essence
I know you and know that you are more than what I receive from you
You are human to me and I honor your humanity

Other ways to say thank you:
Detailed reviews on advertising sites
Emails with both positive and constructive feedback
A thank you card or letter (with your seeker name)

Return patronage is the highest compliment a provider can receive.