
About Me










Who am I ?

My healer name is Ananda Healer. Healer is not a euphemism. Ananda is a Sanskrit word describing the combined principles of...

Joy, Bliss, Transcendence, and Ecstasy

I chose it because there isn't one word in our language which contains all of the concepts I embrace and aspire to live. It isn't my given name but it is my REAL name.

I am 53 years old and have enjoyed many things in life. I have always been drawn to sexual energy and persons who are comfortable in their own skin. I discovered one day, to my delight, I am one of those persons. I want to help other people become truly comfortable and satisfied in their own unique sexuality. I do this by sharing myself, my time, my essence and my passion.

I bring a zesty, embodied, loving maturity and wisdom with a dynamic level of energy to my custom crafted sessions. I am truly a sensual artist and I love my career. Passion and sensuality are so very deeply embedded in my being that my entire world, my friends, my family and my clients know that this is who I am not something I put on for show.

I am a consummate service professional. I am known for my stellar ethics and dedication to making your time everything it is intended. My reviews consistently mention my attention to detail, my respect for your time and my utter commitment to your feeling completely attended to while you are with me in my space and sharing time.

When you meet me, you are meeting a woman with a full, rich life who has afternoons and early evenings to share time with select patrons who can appreciate all I have to offer.

I offer in-studio encounters at my Puyallup location Monday-Friday from noon - 6/7 pm and occasional Saturdays from noon- 3/4 pm.

I offer Many sessions and Many types of offerings and my website menu describes all of them fully.

My platinum level session is titled "Shared Time and Essence" and allows for the possibility of possibility.... For the gentleman (or lady) who wants to be free to explore in the moment and see where that moment takes us.

Although I may schedule more than one sensual touch or coaching appointment in a day, I schedule only one Shared Time and Essence session. This is to allow me to maintain my energy at a peak level for profound, real time authentic passion during those most interactive moments. It can take 1-3 in studio days to arrange one of these sessions, and will be completely worth your efforts. Please, when scheduling allow time both before and after for an unrushed drive during which you can anticipate or reflect upon those delicious moments.

I have been immersed in this avocation since 2007 and I will be here when you want and need me. I fully expect to continue in this career until I am at least 55. I will be here another 10 years in addition to my 8 currently accrued.

I bring maturity & wisdom with a dynamic level of energy to my custom crafted sessions. I am a genuine companion and sensual artist, NOT a euphemism. In an industry of people from many varied backgrounds, using many similar words, I am the real deal.

Who am I?
I am 53 & vibrantly healthy & alive in my body.
I am not ageless but I am timeless and I keep getting better with the passing years... really.
My eyes are a blue that will look right into YOU and see what you want and need.
My skin ranges from translucent alabaster to a golden tan.
My hair is currently a dark golden blond with shoulder length, touchable ringlets.

I am 5'9" with a lovely hip/waist differential (hourglass) and very happy, friendly 34B breasts with reactive and perky personality.
I am built for curves and comfort - "3 bears" style - not tooo soft, not too firm but JUSSST right. I am often referred to as sensual, feline, fertile, womanly and generally sexy.

I take exquisite care of myself in all ways; hygienically, nutritionally, & aesthetically.

All of the photos you see on my website are accurate and the dates taken in my archived gallery are noted. Embedded photos are from various photos shoots from 2007-2019. Nothing misleading will ever be on my site. I want you to be thrilled to see me, so I show myself as I am.

I am a fantastic communicator with words & TOUCH is my primary language.
I take care of business details before your session & your session time is all about YOU.
I value your time & your privacy as much as my own.
I do not play games & I mean what I say & I do what I say I will. I am safe, clean & FUN.
People enjoy many different things and that's all good! If you enjoy touch & touching, presence, real connection & a deep authentic experience with a real person who has complete comfort in her own skin; then you are in the right place. If you are seeking a scripted session, power play or a stereotype I am not the gal for you. If you aren't sure, come on in and let's find out!

Who do I most Enjoy Spending time with?

I very much enjoy meeting people from all walks of life, it's part of what makes this avocation stimulating and engaging. Here are some things that work especially well for me:

       	People who "get" Jimmy Buffett and Sci-fi
       	People who love to read and have active minds
       	People who love the outdoors and find being outside sensual
       	Age doesn't matter to me - I enjoy people who are alive and exploring at any age
       	People who love touch - sounds obvious - but truly I resonate with people who love touch as much as I do
       	People who love critters and understand my passion for my rescue pack
       	People who are retired, self-employed or can get away during the day to visit me
       	People who love music and/or bring music to share
       	People who love art, dance, travel and find that those add to their passions
       	People who experience sensuality in everyday life or will let me show them how
       	People who are working through bereavement or estrangement - I have a gift for healing here
       	People who enjoy conversation AND who can dive right into the Physical experience with me

About Ananda Sensually

No person is frozen in time sensually and no sensual being is sensual in the same way at all times...

And women, well women especially, change daily with our cycles and our body rhythms.

Sometimes we are insatiable and desire waves and waves of pleasure. Sometimes, we are a slow burn, kindled then HOT, then all about the afterglow. Sometimes our pleasure is truly secondary to pleasing and that IS what stokes our fire.

So what is a lady to say that hasn't been said in hundreds or thousands of ads or websites and how is a gent to know if it's just hype or the real deal?

How many ways are there to express how much I enjoy my sensuality and who I am sensually?

All I can say is that I am ME to the core with the most intimate of moments and that words only approximate the depth of passion and REAL I bring to time with me.

Here are some musings and ponderings that may help you begin to know Ananda and to see if we are perhaps kindred sensual spirits.

I am passionate and enthusiastic about everything and especially about sessi time

I am creative and able to take even challenging situations and make them fun (health, bloopers, trying new things, finding the overlap in what We enjoy)

I am playful - like really playful and mischievously delicious in a twinkly eyed way
I am not a submissive but I love to please and you will feel that in my touch
I have boundaries & I love to make a guest feel right at home and like there is nothing between us
I REALLY enjoy reaction and it charges me up. I love the puzzle of another person's sexual template and imprint what makes YOU tick?
I believe that sex should come with a sense of humor and while it's very serious, shouldn't be taken seriously
I am terrible at "dirty talk" but amazing at expressing what I like and need in a fun and playful way

I enjoy many types of orgasms and am really good at expressing which is calling to me and helping chart the course to get there AND also enjoy starting without knowing what I need or want and finding the way together.

I always come to a play session "ready to eat without being starving", so there is no pressure. Anything we create will be enough and there will be room for plenty of helpings.

The work offered by ME is:
Deep, Intimate, Personal & Each session unique & customized
My world is:
Welcoming, Safe, Discreet & Contained
My studio is:
Classy & Elegant and like stepping into your second home, favorite cabin & a romantic B&B . all combined

My work is about Authentic PRESENCE. You will not find me to be superficial; I do not act a part. I am genuine. I am honest. I am passionate.

Let me meet you where you are now, stand with you now in real time, with your desire.

In my world you can:
Receive deep, sensual attention & intention & escape to who you really are with a Sensual Touch Session.
Learn & share in an Intimacy Coaching session
Feed your mind & expand your knowledge in an Education/Intention session.
Play & Explore during a Shared Time & Essence Session or a Frolic Session.

Sometimes we need to see our abundant sensuality reflected in another person's eyes.
I am that mirror.
I am Waiting to show you Your Sensual Self.

So, What is it that I do?

I offer a variety of services from educational to experiential, involving sensual touch, healing bodywork, demonstration of tantric and other physical techniques and exercises, time and companionship. I offer sacred intimacy and intimacy coaching for singles, couples and those in alternative relationships, including polyamorous and same gender. It is my avocation to immerse myself helping men, women and other gendered persons to fulfill their sensual potential.

Why did I choose this line of work?

I have had one primary career as a licensed body worker/health care provider which I enjoyed thoroughly and have now retired from. A main reason for my transition out of that field was the limitations placed on me with that license. ALL bodywork is valid and we need the wonderful variety of providers available in our state. I have immense respect for those persons who offer licensed body work - as licensed massage practitioners, physical therapists, and chiropractors. I have high regard for those persons who practice the more esoteric work - reiki, meditations, yoga, other energy works as well as those persons who offer mainstream counseling and education. We need these practitioners and people need access to them through insurance and the medical avenues.

I feel I have more to offer by moving away from medical work and into other, less available work that is so needed. As my mainstream bodywork clients would talk to me, I heard how many people are literally starving for sensual/sexual touch and affirmation. I felt I was doing a disservice by having to stop and draw boundaries when I could feel how much and how easily I could help. I saw how much people needed to just TALK about it, without fear of judgment without condemnation, without FEAR. I wanted to do more. It felt like I was holding back something which I naturally have to give. Compassion, tenderness, warmth, knowledge & highly charged sensual energy. When I am able to give these things I feel more energized myself. I feel I have done something worthwhile. I really believe this is what I was meant to be doing. It feels like coming home to myself and more authentic than telling people I can't touch them in a deeper way when there is a need.

This work chose me - It just took a while to come to terms with it

It's taken me several years to actually make the move into this field. Our society does not yet have a respected place for persons who practice a full spectrum of bodywork in an ethical, safe and loving manner.

DO you REALLY want to do this type of work?

Yes, I really want to do this work. I really believe what I am saying here. This isn't a stepping stone or something I am doing exclusively for financial gain. We all need groceries but we also all need work that sustains us mentally and emotionally. I believe I can help people have better, richer, healthier and happier existences and that that makes the world better for all of us.